Página 136 - A&D_v23_n2_2011

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Políticas e gestão de recursos hídricos por comitês de bacias hidrográficas: umaanálise do Comitê de
Bacia Hidrográfica do Recôncavo Norte e Inhambupe
Bahia anál. dados, Salvador, v. 23, n. 2, p.409-423, abr./jun. 2013
This article discusses the policies and instruments for water management from the crea-
tion of the Watershed Committees as organisms for planning, management and regula-
tion of water resources. The study presents this management model instituted in Brazil,
covering national politics and state resources, and highlighting the difficulties and pos-
sibilities of action of Basin Committees created in the state of Bahia, focusing specifi-
cally on the Comitê de Bacia Hidrográfica do Recôncavo Norte e Inhambupe. The data
relating to the operation of this committee were obtained through the minutes of plenary
meetings held between 2008 and 2012, available on the website of INGA (currently IN-
EMA). The study indicates that this management model has limitations that need to be
overcome so that the committee can reach its full operation, fulfilling its purpose.
Policies water resources, management of water resources, watershed com-
mittees; Comitê de Bacia Hidrográfica do Recôncavo Norte e Inhambupe.