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Economia regional e abertura comercial: acumulação capitalista no território brasileiro
e nordestino (1991-2011)
Bahia anál. dados, Salvador, v. 23, n. 3, p.529-551, jul./set. 2013
Understanding the effects generated by trade liberalization and its impact on the econo-
my of the Northeast, only become viable by performing an analysis in the context of the
subordinate position of the domestic economy to the international economy, particularly
after the 1980s. In general, the work developed in order to establish a discussion of the
recent process of industrialization Northeast analyze the issue from a purely regional.
Thus, with the exception of research that relate to the impacts generated by national
policy within the Brazilian regions as a way of justifying the continued growth of the gap
between them, factors external to the northeastern region that potentially influence the
behavior of its key social and economic variables will not be considered. You absolutely
must not lose sight of the character of international relations, especially if the study is
part of a real fact is that the situation of dependence on the international capitalism.
However, this study did not seek to link all elements analyzed with the international situ-
ations, but situate them within the national system and the needs of accumulation, which
already reflect these international relations.
Economics Northeastern. Regional development. Trade liberalization.