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Desequilíbrios regionais, entraves ao desenvolvimento econômico e social do Nordeste e pesquisa tecnológica
Bahia anál. dados, Salvador, v. 23, n. 3, p.653-669, jul./set. 2013
This work aims to dialogue with the literature that addresses regional question in Brazil,
and the Northeast in particular, which performed diagnostics, suggested interventions
and reflections on possible causes of regional imbalances and barriers to economic
and social development region, compressing the sustainable development as a pos-
sibility. Firstly will be expose a brief resume on the views of classical authors about
the region and more recent conceptions that generated state interventions, including
strengthening Superintendência do Desenvolvimento do Nordeste (Sudene) and incen-
tives policies. Finally, it focuses contemporary views, linking the permanence of regional
imbalances with the weakness of the territory, in terms of competitiveness and propos-
ing the creation of new institutions related to technological innovation systems. This last
point of view gives high importance to the implementation of the Centro de Tecnologias
Estratégicas do Nordeste (Cetene), a research and development (R&D) center that be-
long to Ministério da Ciência e Tecnologia (MCT), net, created in 2005 to support the
technological development of the Northeast, through the integration between knowl-
edge and fostering economic development
Northeast (Brazil). Regional imbalances. Regional innovation system.