Página 104 - A&D_v23_n3_2011

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Inserção internacional, transformações estruturais, (des)concentração espacial:umaanálise para
a economia baiana
Bahia anál. dados, Salvador, v. 23, n. 3, p.587-612, jul./set. 2013
This article analyzes the economic dynamics of the 30 largest exporting municipalities
of the state of Bahia, highlighting the externalities generated by their exports on partici-
pation in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the state and the generation of formal jobs.
The general objective of the study is to investigate the ability of the external sector to
positively affect economic growth municipal, building upon the theoretical formulations
of economic thought of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean
(ECLAC) and the Export Base Theory. Additionally, it explores the effect of the increase
in exports of selected municipalities in economic and spatial configuration of Bahia, a
highly territorial and sectoral concentration. The analysis was based on municipal data
on foreign trade, the economic activity and the labor market, made available by federal
and state agencies, for the period 2000-2012. The results reveal that local exporters
managed to increase its share in the GDP state, helping to reduce the concentration-
economic space around the metropolitan region of Salvador (RMS). Furthermore, it was
established through the employment multiplier, the external sector produces a positive
impact on the generation of formal employment in these counties.
Internacional trade. Regional economic. Spatial deconcentration. Bahia..